Demonstration teams

Army Hand-to-Hand Combat

Army Hand-to-Hand Combat is a universal training system for protection and attack receptions that incorporated many functional elements from the arsenal of single combats from around the world, which has been tested in real fighting activities.
The simplicity and flexibility of training the fighters, visual appeal of single combats, safety equipment and clear judging have made this sport popular among military men. A particularity of the Army Hand-to-Hand Combat as compared to other full-contact single fights is that it allows finishing off an opponent, who lies on the judo mat, with both hands and feet from the standing position as well as headbutting.


The demonstrations of Aikido at the Festival of martial arts «Baltic Sea Cup» – is a fascinating deadly dance. In aikido, as in hapkido, not real fights are held technology demonstration is a major competitive format in this kind of martial arts. In connection with this program aikido masters at the Festival is one of the most interesting in content and professionally.

Combat Sambo

Combat Sambo – the only form of martial arts in Russia, which claims to be the national martial art. The fact that the basis of the technical arsenal of combat sambo includes judo techniques, but rather varieties of jujitsu from the beginning of the 20th century, should not confuse anyone. This year is the 100-year anniversary of Combat Sambo, and most of the time this kind of martial arts developed in the bowels of the special units of KGB of the Soviet Union, regardless of their Eastern ancestors. Combat Sambo developed strongly in the applied direction – only the most effective techniques in real combat, fast neutralization of the enemy, and the maximum damage for the minimum time.


Since 2011, the program of the Festival of Martial Arts «Baltic Sea Cup» includes the program of the students from the Nikolai Valuev School of boxing. Impact technique of boxing remains one of the most effective and popular in the world of martial arts. Masters of different types of contact martial arts will inevitably come to the necessity of learning the basics of boxing techniques from a vast arsenal of art, tactical schemes of conducting bouts.


Demonstrations of masters of jiu-jitsu in the Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» enjoyed a well-deserved love of the audience. Dynamic, high-speed «Ducato» – demonstration of techniques in pairs, gives a very vivid impression. At the time, instructors of Judo Integrated High School sports skills Vasily Shestakov and George Kukoverov began to develop and popularize jiu-jitsu in Russia. First, they are interested in the original form of the base technology grandparent as well it familiar judo. Indeed, jiu-jitsu as the martial art produces a more holistic impression than Judo – throwing technique is ideally complemented by the impact technique, the deal with a weapon and against it, and the arsenal of hacks less restricted by the rules compared with the Olympic judo.


Demonstration teams in sambo and judo are the permanent members of Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup.» The history of martial arts in Russia is impossible to imagine without the Soviet school of sambo and judo, techniques and technical arsenal, which formed the basis of many martial arts cultivated in our country today. To divide these schools is difficult – for many years in the Soviet Union, there was the foundation of sambo training athletes who later competed in judo. Anyway, modern judo stays closer to its Japanese parent –jiu-jitsu, the impact of the Japanese martial arts school is clearly seen in the elements of judo techniques of jiu-jitsu, aikido, hapkido.


The program of the Festival includes demonstrations of capoeira team, and it always has a special place. The fascinating and deadly dance shows viewers another side of martial arts – a unique phenomenon of Afro-Brazilian culture, which merged slaves fighting techniques, music and dance, cult plastic and improvisation.


In The Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup», you can see demonstrations of teams representing different kinds of karate, cultivated in our country today. Karate role in the development of martial arts in the USSR and Russia is huge. Karate was the first martial art, which broke the iron curtain; the majority of martial arts developed in Russia come from the first wave of Soviet karate. Philosophy, technical arsenal, karate principles of martial arts schools formed the basis of such species of martial arts like aikido, taekwondo, jiu-jitsu and many others. In these types of martial arts left, many instructors involved after the ban of karate, and so there continued the study of Eastern philosophies and martial practices.


One of the most spectacular demonstration in the raw of performances with the weapons in the festival program is the demonstration program of the representatives of kobudo. The term «Kobudo» in Japanese means «ancient military road». There are two main areas of Kobudo:

  • Nihon Kobudo — the direction that connects the system, which is common on the main islands of Japan that uses in its arsenal cold steel weapons with the samurai origin and weapons from the arsenal of ninjutsu.
  • Ryukyu-Kobudo and Okinawa Kobudo – direction, combining the system with the leading origin of the Ryukyu Islands Archipelago (modern Okinawa Prefecture, Japan) which uses in the arsenal of weapons – items of peasant and fishing goods of the residents of these islands.


Demonstration teams in sambo and judo are the permanent members of Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup.» The history of martial arts in Russia is impossible to imagine without the Soviet school of sambo and judo, techniques and technical arsenal which formed the basis of many martial arts cultivated in our country today. Through the decades of independent development Sambo has acquired quite an original character with its own characteristics in terms of the technical arsenal. Based on the arsenal appeared a separate kind of martial arts — Combat Sambo and Sambo masters developed in Russia species such as aikido, karate and hapkido.


For many years the Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» attended by representatives of taekwondo – one of the most popular martial art in the world. First, taekwondo was presented at the Festival only as demonstration performances, but since 2009th this kind of martial art has taken central place in the competition program of the tournament.


The most vivid, colorful and spectacular performance at the Festival of Martial Arts «Baltic Sea Cup» for many years becomes the program of the demonstration team of masters of wushu. Wushu is the ancient Chinese non-contact martial art that combines the basics of gymnastics, acrobatics, hand to hand fighting, elements of respiratory exercises, as well as using of the various kinds of traditional Chinese weapons.


The demonstrations of fencing appeared in the program of the Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» martial arts in 2013. Fencers team of the Fencing Federation of St.Petersburg participates in the Festival, along with boxing and sambo, European martial arts school. Combat with weapons — swords and bokken, shows representatives of different martial arts. Historically, however, it is the fencing was the pinnacle of the European school of fencing. The demonstrations of fencers at the festival in different years were in the form of historical fencing and competitive in the modern style.


Ornament Contest of the demonstration programs of the martial arts festival «Baltic Sea Cup» every year becomes the performance of the team of instructors of hapkido from the School of Martial Arts of Demid Momot.

Hapkido is a universal system of unarmed combat, hard power form of martial arts, which is put into service in the law enforcement agencies around the world. The successful combination of impact and body-slam techniques complemented by an extensive arsenal of painful methods, techniques of the fight on the ground, with weapons and against weapons.

Choi Kwang Do

Kids Teams of the Choi Kwan Do martial art always participate in the contest demonstrations of martial arts festival «Baltic Sea Cup» and became winners of this type of program.

Choi kwang do is young and dynamically developing martial art, which perfectly mixes the philosophy and martial traditions of the East, the scientific achievements of biomechanics and psychology, modern methods of self-defense technics and physical development.