History of the International Festival of Martial Arts «Baltic Sea Cup»


15-16 October 2016, the traditional International Martial Arts Festival «THE BALTIC SEA CUP» for the prizes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region was held at the SIBUR ARENA Sports Complex. The festival was organized by the Demid Momot Martial Arts School, the St. Petersburg Taekwondo Sports Federation, the ‘Petrogradets’ Sports Club, ‘Vozrozhdenie’ Foundation for Assistance to Sports and Security Agencies Veterans and members of their families with the support of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sport of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg regional branch of the «United Russia.»

In the framework of the festival there were competitions in taekwondo and hapkido, contest of exhibition performances of representatives of various martial arts. Individual sparring competitions in Taekwondo WTF brought together about 700 athletes, who competed for 54 sets of awards in different weight and age categories. For the first time at the Festival, there were competitions in Poomsae — complex Taekwondo WTF exercises, which brought together about 200 Russian athletes competing in 25 categories. Team competitions in Taekwondo were represented by the most interesting match Russia-Iran.

October 15-16, 2016
Concert and Sports Hall "Sibur-Arena"


XVII International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region took place at a new venue — in concert and sports hall «Sibur-Arena». There was a small change in the competition format: instead of the team taekwondo tournament in competitions held personal Taekwondo and match meeting of Russia and Iran. In 2015, the festival was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the permanent tournament organizer — the School of Martial Arts of Demid Momot. To congratulate the School gathered representatives of different areas of martial arts: sambo, judo, aikido, wushu, karate, jujitsu, fencing, boxing, kobudo. Demid Momot celebrated 45 years of teaching in martial arts an his students performed special demonstration programs in Hapkido, Taekwondo and Choi Kwang Do. The second day of the festival was entirely given to junior tournaments in Taekwondo, which was attended by about 300 athletes in the two age groups: 12-14 years, cadets and juniors 15-17 years. The tournament took place on 4 dodangs and 47 medals have been granted.

October 17-18, 2015
Concert and Sports Hall "Sibur-Arena"


XVI International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region was held in the traditional format — the main events were the team taekwondo tournaments and demonstrations on different types of martial arts.

In 2014, first time in the Festival history appeared the women’s Taekwondo WTF team, among foreign teams special interest aroused by the founders of Taekwondo — Korean taekwondo team. The competition in demonstrations won the team of St. Petersburg TAEKWONDO sports federation, second and third place were taken by Choi Kwang Do team and wushu. In junior tournament 36 medals have been granted. In the Final St.Petersburg team confidently took the first place. Second place — the team of Moscow, and the third place was the team of Velikiy Novgorod.

October 18-19, 2014
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


XV International Festival of Martial Arts «BALTIC SEA CUP» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region took place on the eve of a unique event in the world of martial arts — World Martial Arts Games in St. Petersburg so in demonstrations part of the competition were many types of martial arts with the participants of upcoming games. Festival audience were the first to see and evaluate these programs.

In 2013 the team tournament in Taekwondo WTF was attended by the national teams of Russia, Finland and Belarus. Since 2012 St.Petersburgs Taekwondo WTF and ITF are in one federation so in 2013, the Taekwondo ITF team for the first time participated in the «Baltic Sea Cup», and immediately climbed to the second position of the contest demonstration performances.

September 14-15, 2013
Место проведения:
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


The XIV International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region was opened by Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, who said: «I am very pleased today to be on this wonderful festival of sports. It so happened that 15 years ago, I was among those people who planned the first festival. I am very grateful to the organizer of the festival Demid Momot, and the head of of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region for the fact that they are not just preserved, but expanded the scope of this wonderful event».

In the Taekwondo WTF team tournament participated 9 teams from Russia, Belarus, Finland and Kyrgyzstan. Competition in demonstrations won the team of Russian national center of Choi Kwang Do, second and third place were taken by wushu and judo teams.

October 27-28, 2012
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


XIII International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region took place in an abridged version for some reasons not connected with the organizers and all events took place in one day. The performances of the demonstration teams were commented by the heads of federations, famous athletes and coaches: Michael Rachlin, Alexander Chernigin, Nikolai Valuev.

In the team Taekwondo WTF tournament participated 7 teams from Russia, Belarus, Finland and Kyrgyzstan. For the first time at the Festival was tested a variant of the team tournament in the «non-stop» fighting. At the same time the men followed one another without a pause, the total score was conducted virtually without any judicial intervention, only dispassionate Electronics recorded the striking and fighting was not interrupted even for a second.

October 8, 2011
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


XII International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the permanent tournament organizer — the School of Martial Arts of Demid Momot. To congratulate The School gathered many famous athletes and coaches, who stood at the origins of the domestic arts. Sambo World Cup winner Michael Kokorin and his coach Alexander Chernigin who trained several world and European champions, Alexander Massarsky who created Leningrads sambo club in 1963 called «Olympic Hopes» and who at the same time was the founder of the Russian stunt school. One of the first karate instructors in Leningrad — Oleg Rish, who led his younger brother Arnold Rish for two champion titles of the USSR in karate. The guest of honor of the «Baltic Sea Coup» was Nikolai Valuev.

September 18-19, 2010
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


XI International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region was held in a new special way. The main competitive part of the festival was given to the team tournament in taekwondo WTF. The teams from Russia, Korea and Belarus took part in the tournament. In the final the team of St. Petersburg won the Korean team with a score of 3: 1, the bronze got the Belarusian team. The competition in demonstrations won the Russian national center of Choi Kwang Do demonstration team, second place went to the team of the Aikido Federation.

September 19-20, 2009
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


X International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region for the last time became an arena of the teams competitions in combat sambo, which was attended by the national teams of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Finland, Team of the Sports Club «Petrogradets», Red Devil trade mark team, police team of Saint — Petersburg and Leningrad region, the Federal Security Agency team of St. — Petersburg and Leningrad region, the team UFSKN for the North-West Federal District, the national team of the Internal Troops of Russia.

The demonstrations competition was attended by Sambo Federation of Russia, the Russian Union of Hapkido federations, CHOI KWANG DO INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ART, the All-Russian Federation of Aikido, Capoeira Federation, All-Russian Federation of Wushu, Karate Federation of Russia, Budo Martial Arts Federation of Jiu-Jitsu.

September 21, 2008
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


IX International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region was organized by the League of Martial Arts, the St. Petersburgs branch of the Russian Sambo Federation, the Russian national center of Choi Kwang Do, the police department of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region with the support of «United Russia» St. Petersburgs regional branch of the party.

Competitors demonstrated their master skills in wushu, karate, sambo, judo, aikido and other martial arts. Real treat for sports fans settled the International Sambo Tournament where the «Baltic Sea Cup» was the central prize. The tournament was attended by world European and Russian champions such as Alexander Emelianenko, Alexei Gagarin, Igor Isaykin. For the Team of Saint — Petersburg competed famous sportsmen: the vice-world champion Alexander Garkushenko, champion of Europe and Russia Alexey Veselovzorov.

November 25, 2007
Sports Hall "Jubileyniy"


VIII International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the prizes of Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region for the first time took place at the Winter Stadium. The festival included the team competition in combat sambo. There was four teams participating. Russian team was represented by athletes from Kstovo, led by world-class athlete Sergey Khramov, Marian Muzheyko from Torzhok and a representative of Adygea. St.Petersburs Team was formed on the basis of the sports club «Petrogradets» sportsmen. In St. Petersburg police team were Alex Veselovzorov and Vladimir Zenin. Another participant of the tournament was the team of Ukraine.

October 7, 2006
Winter Stadium


VII International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» for the first time in its history held for prizes of the police department of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. In addition, the program of the Festival for the first time was occupied for the competitions in combat sambo. representatives of 5 countries participated in the tournament.

Sports club "Petrogradets"


International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» held under the patronage of the Drug Control Agency of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. The competition program was attended by athletes from 6 countries. In the demonstrations tournament the first place takes the children’s team of the Russian National Center of Choi Kwoang Do.

Sports club "Petrogradets"


International Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» was held for the prizes of the Tax Police of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. The competitive program of the Festival was presented by tournaments in Shotokan karate, hand to hand fighting, and Hapkido. In the Festival took their part athletes from Russia, Germany and Estonia.

Sports club "Petrogradets"


First Martial Arts Festival «Baltic Sea Cup» was devoted to the fifth anniversary of the tax police. The initiator of the festival was Georgy Poltavchenko, at that time the Head of the St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Tax Police Department, and the Director General of the League of martial arts Demid Momot. The program of the tournament was presented by Shotokan karate competitions. The Festival immediately received the international rank because it was attended by the teams from Finland, Sweden and Russia. The winner of the first festival was the team of Sports Club «Petrogradets».

Sports club "Petrogradets"